Monday, 27 November 2017

  1. Valladolid to Barcelona - (5,8 x 400) : 2,5  = 928 km
  2. Palencia to Almería - ( 6,9 x 400 ) : 2,5 = 1104 km
  3. Burgos to Lugo - ( 3,5 x 400 ) : 2,5 = 560 km
  4. Cádiz to Girona - (10,6 x 400 ) : 2,5 = 1696 km
  5. Toledo to Málaga - (4 x 400 ) : 2,5 = 640 km
  6. Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Teruel - (10 x 400 ) : 2,5 = 1600 km 
  7. Melilla to Zamora - (8,2 x 400 ) : 2,5 = 1312 km
  8. Salamanca to Ciudad Real - ( 3,1 x 400 ) : 2,5 = 496 km

Thursday, 23 November 2017


A PLANE : I think is human geography because is a mean of transport. But also a physical                  geography becasuse the plain flight in the air and the air is a natural feature, and the plane is polluting the enviroment.

A THUNDERSTORM : in my opinion is a physical geography because is one natural feature that is      provocated by the Earth and the image is a mountain and a volcano beyong the thunderstorm.

UNDERGROUND WATER :  in the picture there are a lot of rocks and under the rocks there is           water that goes up like a source. I  think that is a physical geography because is caused by the Earth natural features. 

A CLASSROOM : in the image there are classmates and a teachger and in my opinion is relationated with human geography  because I don´t  see anything that is relationship with physical geography, because there isn´t Earth natural features.

A COUNTRYSIDE : in the picture there are trees and also there is grass and can be physical change  because is of the Earth but can be human geography because there is things that  are make by people.

A CITY :  in the image are a lot of skycraper , there are two plains and next to yhe roads, the sea.        Can be human geography because there are constructions and a lot of things more that has made people, but also can be physical change because there is the sea.

 A LOT OF ROADS : I think is a human geography because people build a lot of roads on the             countryside, they did this roads for the different means of transport. At the image there are roads above the countryside.

MOUNTAIN RANGE : in the image there are a lot of mountains and in the middle of this mountains  is a valley, in this valley is a river but without water. I believe that is a physical change because is relationated with the Earth natural features and because there is no construction build by people.

A DAM : in the picture we can see in the middle a a building that is used to have water reserved and  beyong this building there are a lot of mountains and also araund this mountains there is a road. In my opinion is relationated with human geography because the construction is built  by people.

A COUNTRYSIDE :  in the nearest part of the picture there are trees and beyong the trees there is a    village and I think it is abaut human geography because the village was make by people but also can be physical change because there are mountains and a lot of trees.

ONE BEACH : in the nearest part of the picture there is a beach that there are a lot of people              swimming and doing a lot of thing more, beyong the beach there are mountains that are provocated by the Earth and in my opinion is a physical geography because is provocated by the Earth.

A WATERFALL :  in the picture there are trees and a waterfall and I think it is abaut physical              geography because in the picture there are a river and mountains that are provocates by the Earth.

A TUBE : in the photo there is a tube in the middle of the countryside, this tube is problably that is    used to transport water from one point to another. I think is a cain of human geography because people has build.

A BEACH : the landsacpe in the image is abeach at the sun is setting, there are boats in the sea and    some palm tree, the beach is without people and this is an example of physical geographic, because there is water and the water is a natural feature.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

        .IRELAND : 
  1. It has two parts: Ireland, also known as the Republic of Ireland, and Northen Ireland, which is part of the U.K.
  2. Dublín is the home of Riverdance , a popular dance show which tells the story of Ireland and its people.
  3. Queen Elizabeth I of England wanted to take the castle from Lord Blarney.
  4. A Limerick is a poem which tells a silly story or joke in five lines. 
  5. People , believe that kissing the Blarney Stone will gave you the same gift of speech.
  6. Irish people came from many different countries.
  7. Molly Malone  tells the story of a girl who sold fish on the streets of Dublín.
  8. There is now a statue of Molly in the city.

Monday, 13 November 2017

-UNIT 1-

  1. Feel at home : to have a particular sensation or impression
  2. Feel homesick : to perceive
  3. Settle into : to fix, decide on, or resolve
  4. Easy-going : tolerant
  5. Grown up : having reached the age of maturity
  6. Grown ups : characteristic of or suitable for adults
  7. Slippers : a light, low-cut shoe into which the foot easily slips, for wear in the home
  8. Set the table/clear the table : to put / free from obstructions or obstacles
  9. Pinful : difficult to endure
  10. Status : high position or standing
  11. Bush : a low plant with many branches that arise from near the ground.
  12. Warrior : a person engaged or experienced in warfare
  13. Costume : style of dress typical of a particular nation
  14. To dress up : Clothing to put on or wear clothes of a specified sort

Thursday, 9 November 2017


I´m going to read a story called ´´ the three little pigs´´