Monday, 13 November 2017

-UNIT 1-

  1. Feel at home : to have a particular sensation or impression
  2. Feel homesick : to perceive
  3. Settle into : to fix, decide on, or resolve
  4. Easy-going : tolerant
  5. Grown up : having reached the age of maturity
  6. Grown ups : characteristic of or suitable for adults
  7. Slippers : a light, low-cut shoe into which the foot easily slips, for wear in the home
  8. Set the table/clear the table : to put / free from obstructions or obstacles
  9. Pinful : difficult to endure
  10. Status : high position or standing
  11. Bush : a low plant with many branches that arise from near the ground.
  12. Warrior : a person engaged or experienced in warfare
  13. Costume : style of dress typical of a particular nation
  14. To dress up : Clothing to put on or wear clothes of a specified sort

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