Friday, 23 March 2018


I need to improve the speaking. I can improve the speaking reading books, watching films. I can behave better and I can have better marks. Outside the class I go to English classes.

Thursday, 22 March 2018


Fraudster: A swindler
Burglar: A person who enter at a house and steal something.
Traffic warden: A person who is appointed to supervise a road traffic.
Mugger: A person who assaults another person.
Murderer: Someone who kills a person.
Drug dealing:To sell drugs to someone.
Arson: The crime os deliberately setting fire to property.
Blackmail: An act to frightening someone into making a payment of money.
Forgery: The crime of falsely making or changing writing or a signature.
Smuggling: To convey (goods) secretly and illegally into or out of a country
Kidnapping: To carry off a person by force or trickery.

Sunday, 18 March 2018


hurry -  go quickly
oven -  an item to cook and heat food 
fair - right and just
turned to - moved to look at
advert -  an annoucement in the media
home help - a person employed to work in the house
take care of - watch
nodded - moved the head up and down
applying for - formally asking for a job
behave - the way a person does or says something
embarrased - awkward
town hall - municipal building
kittens - baby cats
trust - have confidence in someone
jealous - envious
lying - not telling the truth
handwriting - a person style of writing
loud - very audible
fastener - a device to close something
childish - inmature
selfish - egocentric
shining - clean
brave - showing courage or valour
sharp - something that can easily cut

Friday, 9 March 2018